BASBLib - A Library of Bilevel Test Problems

A growing collection of bilevel problems

Summary of LP-QP bilevel problems

Description of the Linear-Quadratic bilevel test problems: data and references

Label Source n m F* f* x* y*
mb_2006_01 (Mitsos & Barton, 2006) 0 1 -1.000 -1.000 - -1.000
mb_2007_04 (Mitsos & Barton, 2007) 0 1 1.000 -1.000 - 1.000
mb_2007_03 (Mitsos & Barton, 2007) 0 1 -1.000 1.000 - -1.000
b_1991_02 (Bard, 1991) 1 2 2.000 12.000 2.000 (6.000, 0.000)
as_1984_01 (Aiyoshi & Shimizu, 1984) 2 2 0.000 200.000 (0.000, 0.000) (-10.000, -10.000)
        0.000 100.000 (0.000, 30.000) (-10.000, 10.000)
